Languages in Motion

The University of Vaasa Research Group for the Translation, LSP and Multilingualism (VAKKI) held its 32nd annual VAKKI Symposium in Vaasa, Finland on February 10-11, 2012. The theme of the Symposium was Languages in Motion. The invited keynote speakers were Dr. Katharina Briziü (Austrian Academy of Sciences) and Dr ùebnem Susam-Sarajeva (University of Edinburgh). Also the award for the Humanist of the Year 2012 was given to Professor Emeritus Kari Uusikylä at the Symposium. An account of the grounds for giving Professor Uusikylä the award is included in this publication.

In her plenary lecture, Dr. Briziü discussed an ongoing Austrian research project that examines from a linguistic point of view social inequality brought about by migration. The project is investigating how multilingual immigrants’ individual and communal models of language use operate in the context of education, and how they affect the immigrants’ success. As examples, Briziü mentioned the Kurdish and Roma communities of Austria, which often use three or even four languages. The results of the project suggest that multilingualism has not been taken into consideration within the educational systems of most immigration countries. That is why the social inequality that the immigrants have experienced in their country of origin may recur or even become aggravated in the countries of immigration, and may cause some groups of multilingual students to underachieve within European educational systems.

Dr Susam-Sarajeva drew attention to translations that usually remain unnoticed. Translations are typically defined as products of translators, interpreters and other professionals, and research into translation and interpreting has concentrated on the obvious forms of translating, technical translation, localization, conference interpreting, and translation for the media. According to Susam-Sarajeva, however, we are also surrounded by a large number of translations that are not so visible and that are produced, for example, by literary scholars, poets, medical doctors and even mothers. In her plenary lecture she discussed the phenomena that are disregarded when the interests of research only include translational activity and translation products that are economically and institutionally visible, and urged the audience to think about the consequences of this.

As usual, the working languages of the symposium were Finnish, Swedish, English and German. This year’s theme inspired researchers, teachers and other professionals from all fields of language-related studies to discuss their work and research from the point of view of language and motion. The participants interpreted the idea of language on the move along a multifaceted continuum ranging from the social, historical and geographical changes taking place within language all the way to the concrete movement of language between places along with their human bearers.



Publication details
Editorial board
Humanist of the Year (in Finnish and Swedish)


Section articles

Rösterna i vargnyheter – en studie av två finländska dagstidningar
Ahlholm, Aku

Das Wortfeld ,abschwächen? Eine Pilotstudie über Rechtsurteile
Björkholm, Ann-Britt

,,… als ich Kind war, hatten wir das everywhere.” Sprachwechsel als Lern- und Kommunikationsstrategie in einem Tandemgespräch
Grasz, Sabine

Stilistisk-textuell variation: aktörsbetonad voluntarism och/eller strukturell determinism
Johansson, Lars-Erik

Samlokalisering, samarbete eller kanske sammansmältning? Analys av begreppet ’tvåspråkig skola’ i en dagstidning
Karjalainen, Katri & Pilke, Nina

Normitallaajan näkökulmasta yrityksen näkökulmaan. Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden tulkintoja talousuutisesta
Katajamäki, Heli

Pedagogiska teorier inom forskning om översättarutbildning och översättningsundervisning
Kivilehto, Marja

Puheenjohtaja kielenvälittäjänä kaksikielisessä kokouksessa
Koskela, Merja

Authentische Aufträge in der Übersetzerausbildung  erste Schritte auf dem Weg zu professionellem Übersetzen
Krenzler-Behm, Dinah

International Medical Classifications from the Terminological Point of View (cases: International Classification of Diseases and Terminologia Anatomica)
Kudashev, Igor

The Role of Language Movements in the Migration Novel Suomalaiset
Kushnir, Roman

”Hennes röst blev tonlös när hon började prata svenska”: litterär flerspråkighet och språkväxling
Landqvist, Hans

”Concepts in Motion” in Perspectival Considerations of the Reality
Lehtonen, Tommi

Fasta ordförbindelser som uttrycker rörelse. Om fraseologismer på några dagstidningars sportsidor
Malmqvist, Anita & Skog-Södersved, Mariann

Postcards from the Edge: The Journey Motif in Annie Proulx’s Postcards
Martikainen, Anna

Suomen kieli maahanmuuttajien työssä ja työhönotossa pk-yritysten näkökulmasta
Minkkinen, Eila

Lover, Avenger or Deadly Delusionist? Women Murderers in Contemporary Crime Fiction
Mäntymäki, Tiina

Dialekten – ett språk i rörelse. Ett närstudium av Bysockensmålet
Nilsson, Gunvor

Terminologin näkökulma synonymiaan
Nissilä, Niina & Nuopponen, Anita

Skidskyttars rörelser ur kognitiv synvinkel: svenska och tyska TV-kommentatorer i jämförelse
Norberg, Ulf

En svårighetshierarki för species och artikelbruk
Nyqvist, Eeva-Liisa

Einige Begriffe des Pleomorphismus terminologisch gesehen
Peltoniemi, Päivi

”Wandering between two worlds”: the Deviance of the Jailer’s Daughter
Porter, Gerald

Zur Mehrsprachigkeit der Deutschsprachigen in Vaasa und Korsholm – eine Pilotstudie
Rose, Silke

Lysti, kööki ja rupulaaki – ruotsalaisperäiset sanat oululaisessa kielenkäytössä
Rossi, Paula

From Participant Narrative to Scientific Knowledge: Linguistic Processing of Qualitative Data in Nursing Science Research Reporting
Sallinen, Riitta & Braidwood, Eva

Deutscher Film finnisch vermarktet. Anmerkungen zur Filmwerbung
Schmitz, Dieter Hermann (2012). Deutscher Film finnisch vermarktet. Anmerkungen zur Filmwerbung . In: Nissilä, N. & N. Siponkoski (eds.) 2012. Kielet liikkeessä, Språk i rörelse, Languages in Motion,
Sprachen in Bewegung. VAKKI-symposiumi XXXII 11.-12.2.2012. VAKKI Publications 1. Vaasa, 311-322.
Schmitz, Dieter Hermann

,,Sprachberufe” in Bewegung? Bemerkungen zum Begriff der Professionalität und zu aktuellen Entwicklungstendenzen im Translationswesen
Schopp, Jürgen F.

Language and the Hostility of Time: The Failure of Swift’s Prescriptivism in A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue
Tiusanen, Jukka

Vom-Blatt-Übersetzen aus studentischer Perspektive – Erfahrungen eines VBÜ/VBD-Kurses
Viljanmaa, Anu


VAKKI Symposium XXXII. Vaasa 10.-11.2.2012

Vaasa 2012

Edited by Niina NISSILÄ & Nestori SIPONKOSKI

Editorial assistant: Heli KORKIAMÄKI

ISBN: 978-952-67887-0-8 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-952-67887-1-5 (PDF)

ISSN-L: 2242-6841
ISSN: 2242-6841 (paperback)
ISSN: 2242-685X (PDF)