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VAKKI Publications is now at The 2024 issue, ”Diversity in Communication”, as well as all journal issues starting from 2012 are […]
VAKKI Publications is now at The 2024 issue, ”Diversity in Communication”, as well as all journal issues starting from 2012 are […]
Issue 15 of VAKKI Publications contains seventeen peer-reviewed articles in Finnish, Swedish, English, and German. The topics take various perspectives to the theme of the XLIII International VAKKI Symposium, Communicating with Purpose, held on 9–10 February 2023.
Responsible Communication contains eleven peer-reviewed articles in Finnish, Swedish and English. In these articles, the theme of responsible communication is approached from four different perspectives. First, they address responsible communication taking into account the communication needs of various marginalised groups. Second, they address responsible communication as expert communication that is easy to comprehend. Third, articles in the volume also investigate responsible communication from the perspective of the responsibility of economic activity. Finally, the volume offers theoretical approaches to responsible communication.
Workplace Communication IV includes nine peer-reviewed research articles in Finnish, Swedish, German, and English. The articles approach workplace communication from three different thematic angles. First, they discuss corporate communication from the points of view of responsibility, transparency, and marketing. Second, they study the development of workplace communication skills in the contexts of both universities and companies. Third, the focus is on the role of experts in the development of training for professional communication.
Workplace communication III includes 20 peer-reviewed research articles in Finnish, Swedish, German, and English. The topics vary from narratives and discourses to language learning, translation, and terminology in different organizational and educational contexts. A common thread is the continuous change of working life in different contexts, which the articles address especially from the perspectives of digitalization, linguistic and cultural diversity, and responsibility.
Teoksen tarkoituksena on tarjota lukijoille kokonaisuus, jossa tieteellistä kirjoittamista lähestytään tiedeyhteisön viestintänä. Tiedeyhteisön viestintään osallistutaan toimien erilaisissa rooleissa, kuten opettajan ja opiskelijan, opinnäytteen ohjaajan, tekijän ja opponoijan, kirjoittajan ja lukijan rooleissa. Kokoomateoksen artikkeleissa tarkastellaan tieteellistä kirjoittamista tutkielman tekemisen näkökulmasta, ja se painottuu tutkielmaa kirjoittavan opiskelijan tukemiseen.
VAKKI Publications no. 10, titled Workplace Communication II, contains 13 peer-reviewed articles in Finnish and English. The articles are divided into three thematic groups to cover a wide range of workplace communication research: Media, Technology and Philosophy, Organizational Communication, and Communication Skills and Learning.
VAKKI Publications no. 9, titled Workplace Communication, contains 17 peer-reviewed articles in English, Finnish, German and Swedish. The articles cover a wide range of workplace communication contexts, professions, methods, modes, educational models and experiments, divided into four thematic groups: Translation and Multilingualism, Linguistics and Communication, Technical Communication, and Culture and Philosophy.
Språkmöten i skönlitteratur – perspektiv på litterär flerspråkighet är det första samlingsverket på svenska om temat litterär flerspråkighet, ett tema som under de senaste åren börjat intressera allt fler språk-, litteratur- och översättningsforskare både i Finland och utomlands.