31.12.200701.09.2020Journal Language and Life Stages The 27th symposium of the University of Vaasa Translation Theory, Language for Special Purposes and Multilingualism Research Group (VAKKI) was held in […]
31.12.200621.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XXVI. Vaasa 11. –12.2.2006 The opening pages of publication from 2006 – if you would like to order this publication, please contact the VAKKI treasurer (niina.nissila […]
31.12.200521.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XXV Vöyri 12.–13.2. 2005 The opening pages of publication from 2005.
31.12.200421.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XXIV. Vaasa 7. – 8.2.2004 The opening pages of publication from 2004.
31.12.200321.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XXIII. Vaasa 8.-9.2.2003 The opening pages of publication from 2003.
31.12.200202.09.2020Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XXII. Vaasa 9.-10.2.2002 The opening pages of publication from 2002.
31.12.200121.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XXI. Vaasa 10.-11.2.2001 The opening pages of publication from 2001.
31.12.200021.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XX. Vaasa 11.-13.2.2000 The opening pages of publication from 2000.
31.12.199921.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XIX. Vaasa 13.-14.2.1999 The opening pages of publication from 1999.
31.12.199821.04.2021Journal VAKKI-symposiumi XVIII. Vaasa 14.-15.2.1998 The opening pages of publication from 1998.