Workplace Communication IV

The 2021 VAKKI Symposium was for the first time arranged
completely online on February 11–12. Due to the exceptional
times, the call for papers was sent to all the symposium participants online on February 11–12. Due to the exceptional times, VAKKI, instead of only to the presenters. Workplace Communication IV therefore also has articles that relate to the conference theme but that are not based on presentations at the symposium. Workplace Communication IV includes nine peer-reviewed research articles in Finnish, Swedish, German, and English. The articles approach workplace communication from three different thematic angles.

The VAKKI articles of this volume are indexed in the DOAJ directory. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an indexing service that provides researchers and other readers open access to other high quality, peer-reviewed articles.

We hope that you enjoy the selection of articles in this issue!



Full Issue

Workplace Communication IV (PDF)


Sprachenwahl und Sprachkenntnisse zukünftiger Ökonomen in Finnland: Am Beispiel der Hanken School of Economics in Vaasa
Margit Breckle

Herausforderungen von Sprachmittlung im Berufsleben und in der akademischen Welt: Empfehlungen und Erfahrungen aus zwei binationalen Workshops
Anna Chita, Renate Link & Birgit Kraus

Genremönster i ”Ministern har ordet”. Regeringar rapporterar om bolag med statligt ägande
Mona Enell-Nilsson & Henrik Rahm

Acting for Change – A Communicational Perspective to Corporate Activism
Saija Jantunen & Heidi Hirsto

Use of Concepts and Terms in Research Plans: Effects of Enriched Metacognitive Genre Awareness through Concept Analysis Assignment
Heli Katajamäki

Communication Practitioners’ Views on Transparency and Its Impact in Finnish Companies
Merja Koskela, Mona Enell-Nilsson & Cecilia Hjerppe

Technologies for Writing at the Private Sector Workplace
Jannika Lassus

Markkinointiesite suostuttelun välineenä kansainvälisissä yrityskaupoissa
Marianne Mäntyoja

”Av intresse för saken dristar jag mig att till diskussion framlägga ett par spörsmål” – Kaksi suomalaista akateemista uranuurtajaa terminologiaverkoston kirjeenvaihdossa
Niina Nissilä, Sanna Heittola, Nina Pilke & Hans Landqvist



Vakki-symposiumi XLI. Vaasa 11.–12.2.2021.

Vaasa 2021

Toimittajat: Heli Katajamäki, Mona Enell-Nilsson, Hannele Kauppinen-Räisänen, Liisa Kääntä & Harri Salovaara

Toimitussihteeri: Sanna-Katriina Salo

ISBN 978-952-69732-0-3 (PDF)

ISSN-L 2242-6841
ISSN 2242-685X (PDF)