Workplace Communication II

The theme of the XXXIX International VAKKI Symposium in 2019 was, for the second time in a row, Workplace communication. It has succeeded in bringing together a wider range of communication research while at the same time building on the traditions and strengthening the specific profile of the symposium.

In VAKKI Publications no. 10, titled Workplace communication II, we have 13 peer-reviewed articles written in Finnish and English. These articles are divided into three thematic groups to cover a wide range of workplace communication research. Media, Technology and Philosophy includes articles about both theoretical and empirical research in the workplace contexts. Organizational Communication, which is a growing thematic area in this symposium, consists of articles from the perspectives of leadership communication, investor relations and employees’ experiences. Finally, Communication Skills and Learning covers topics from media literacy to language learning and workplace skills, highlighting the growing need to link the teaching and learning of communication with professional practices and communities.

The tenth issue of VAKKI Publications leads the VAKKI Communication Research Association to a special year of 2020 which marks the 40th anniversary of VAKKI symposium. We hope that you enjoy reading the selection of articles in this issue, and that VAKKI Publications will interest you to continue sharing your work with us!



Publication details
Editors and referees


Media, Technology and Philosophy

Narrative Frames and Framing Narratives – The Role of Non-Journalists in Narrative News Discourse
Yrjö Tuunanen & Heidi Hirsto

Pocket Democracy – Developing a User-Friendly App for Following Local Politics
Jenny Lindholm & Janne Berg

Selflessness in Wage Work: A Possibility or an Oxymoron?
Tommi Lehtonen

Laajennetun todellisuuden tarjoumat tekniselle viestinnälle – kohti teoreettista mallia
Satu Rantakokko & Anita Nuopponen


Organizational Communication

Johtamisviestintä digitaloudessa
Heidi Hirsto & Merja Porttikivi

Action for Transparency-Creation – Process Types and Participant Roles in IR Policies of Danish, Finnish and Italian Companies
Mona Enell-Nilsson & Merja Koskela

O Translator, Where Art Thou? In-House Translators’ Physical Location and Organisational Position
Minna Ruokonen & Minna Hjort


Communication Skills and Learning

Step2Job – akateemisten S2-oppijoiden kielitaitoa kehittämässä
Sinikka Vuonokari-Kämäräinen & Maija Paatero

Doctoral Students and Writing Group Pedagogy for English Communication: Coaching Research Writing at a Japanese University
Karen Carter, Brett Walter, Micky Barbaloa & Zeinab Shrekerabi

”Luulen, että tämä työpaikka ja kokemukset voivat saada minut työhön pian” ‒ suomi toisena kielenä -oppijoiden työelämäjakson viestinnällisestä tavoitteenasettelusta
Marjut Männistö & Nina Pilke

Kirjoittaja ja lukija teekkareiden kirjoittamissa kieltävissä rekrytointivastauksissa
Esa Laihanen

Five Readers on the Spot: A Case Study of Readings of Online News Items
Heli Katajamäki & Olli Raatikainen

Työelämätaidot ja teknisen viestinnän osaaminen: käytettävyystestaus yritysprojektina
Tytti Suojanen



VAKKI-symposiumi XXXIX. Vaasa 7.—8.2.2019

Vaasa 2019

Toimittajat: Heidi HIRSTO, Mona ENELL-NILSSON & Nicole KENG

Toimitussihteeri: Jaana NIVA

ISBN: 978-952-68538-6-4 (PDF)

ISSN-L: 2242-6841
ISSN: 2242-685X (PDF)