Text and Textuality

The University of Vaasa Research Group for Translation, LSP and Multilingualism held the 36th annual VAKKI Symposium on February 11–12, 2016 in Vaasa, Finland.The theme of the Symposium was Text and textuality. According to the VAKKI tradition, papers were presented in Finnish, Swedish, English and German. The invited plenary speakers were Professor Susanne Göpferich (Justus-Liebig University Giessen), Docent Leena Kuure (University of Oulu) and Professor Else Mundal (University of Bergen). The Humanist of the Year prize 2016 was awarded to Kaarina Hazard, a versatile actor in the Finnish cultural field. The motivation is included in the present publication.

In her plenary lecture, Professor Susanne Göpferich dealt with the challenges that are evident when academic text is produced and processed in a foreign language. Göpferich’s starting point was the concept of “academic multiliteracy”, which emphasizes the ability to operate in a multilingual academic world in a foreign language – for example in English functioning as a lingua franca – as well as in one’s mother tongue. In her lecture, Göpferich drew attention to the significance of translation in producing and understanding foreign-language academic text. According to her, recent studies emphasize that a process in which ideas and structures are first formulated in the mother tongue and then translated into the foreign language can lead to a better end result.

Docent Leena Kuure’s plenary lecture discussed the effect of the new, multimodal practices, introduced by the technology-rich and ever-digitalizing world, on textuality and its definition. According to her, multimodality redefines not only textual processes and the requirements made of literacy but also the nature of communication and collaboration in general. I her lecture, Kuure also stressed that the redefinition of textuality necessarily has an affect on working life and education.

Professor Else Mundal examined the symposium’s theme of textuality from the point of view of the continuum of oral and written language. In her lecture, Mundal focused on Old Norse texts and culture as examples which, according to her, provide a good perspective into the various aspects of textuality. She pointed out, among other things, that the boundary between oral and written poetry based on the Old Norse tradition has been wavering throughout the history, and that these two genres have been in a deep interaction with each other in the course of centuries.

This year’s extensive symposium theme attracted an abundant audience who examined text and textuality from many different aspects of language-related research. This publication contains 37 articles that are based on the symposium’s plenary, section, poster and workshop presentations. The articles have been selected for publication through a double blind review procedure, which was this year carried out for the first time by VAKKI Publications’ brand new, international pool of referees.



Publication details
Editors and referees
Humanist of the Year


Plenary article

Textuality and the Oral-Written Continuum in Old Norse culture
Mundal, Else


Literature and culture

Boundaries of the Narrative, Boundaries of Identity: How Can a Narrative Text Influence the Reality of the Reader?
Filutowska, Katarzyna

Elfin beauties in Eternal Summer: Nostalgic and Gendered Imagery in Folk Singer Publicity Photographs
Karjalainen, Noora

Coffee-Drinking in Constructing Finnish-Americanness in Three Finnish-American Migrant Short-Story Collections
Kushnir, Roman

The Concept of Multi-Attractedness: From Text to Reality
Lehtonen, Tommi

Affectivity in Fashion Magazines: Designer Stories and the Production of Gender through Emotional Intensity
Mäntymäki, Tiina & Soronen, Anne

Jäljistä spiraaliin. Raija Siekkisen lyhytproosatekstien muistimetaforat
Oraharju, Jarkko

”Click, click go the shears”: Text and Orality in an Australian Textual Community
Porter, Gerald

Queer Temporality of Contemporary Riot Grrrl Song Lyrics: The Case of Doom & Bloomby TÜLIPS
Rönn, Susanna

Colonial Discourse Undermined? J.G. Farrell’s Troubles
Wessel, Katri Annika

Woman in Red and the Abject in Unni Lindell’s Crime Thriller Rødhette
Wide, Carola & Mäntymäki, Tiina


Linguistics and communication

Elevtextens många uttryck – mot en multimodal analys
Björklund, Siv & Rejman, Katarina & Magnusson, Ulrika & Heilä-Ylikallio, Ria

Mehrsprachigkeit in der unternehmensinternen und -externen Kommunikation in Unternehmen in Pohjanmaa: Ergebnisse einer Befragung
Breckle, Margit

Saksan kieli pohjalaismaakuntien yritysten viestinnässä: kielitaito, käyttö ja merkitys
Breckle, Margit & Rinne, Marleena

Zur aktuellen Bedeutung des Lexems Zuwandererim Spiegel der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung und der Süddeutschen Zeitung: Untersuchungsergebnisse und aktuelle Tendenzen
Elsner, Sylvi

Språkkontakter under de tre första åren på ett tvåspråkigt gymnasiecampus
Hansell, Katri & Engberg, Charlotta & Pörn, Michaela & Heittola, Sanna

Zur Textfunktion des Rechtskommentars
Hollo, Erkki

Terminologia kohtaa käytettävyyden. Terminologisen käytettävyyden ydintä rakentamassa
Isohella, Suvi & Nuopponen, Anita

Raskassarjalaisesta pimeisiin voimiin – Metaforat inhimillisen toimijan arvottamisen välineinä taloussanomalehtien pääkirjoituksissa
Katajamäki, Heli

Raha puhuu englantia? Kielipolitiikka suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden sijoittajasivuilla
Koskela, Merja & Heino, Onerva

Tekstuaalisen tekijyyden ulottuvuuksia verkkokeskustelujen kontekstissa
Kääntä, Liisa & Salmela, Eveliina

Mitä arvostelutekstien otsikot kertovat yliopisto-opiskelijoiden tekstilajin tajusta?
Laihanen, Esa

Übersetzung und Intertextualität
Nikula, Henrik

Kuhan postasin. Internetmeemi kielipelinä
Pilke, Nina

Språklig identitet i narrativer – språkögymnasister berättar
Risto, Elisa

Genrelandskap, texter och bedömning – tidigare språkbadselever som andraspråksskribenter i svenska
Rosvall, Camilla

Termi- ja fraasivalinnat osana opetusalan käyttöliittymän käytettävyyttä
Saarenmäki, Merja & Nissilä, Niina

Evidentialitet i rapporteringen om attentaten i Paris. Om hur källor anges i tidningarnas nyhetsartiklar
Skog-Södersved, Mariann & Malmqvist, Anita

Finska svenskinlärares konnektorbruk på CEFR-nivåerna A1, A2 och B1 ur ett systemiskt-funktionellt perspektiv
Vaakanainen, Veijo

Tekninen viestintä murroksessa: mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita
Virtaluoto, Jenni

Läroplansgrunderna i den flerspråkiga skolvärlden – granskning av utvalda termer
West, Sanna


Translation and interpreting

Käännösfunktion huomiotta jättäminen, joka johtaa epätäsmälliseen lopputulokseen. Auktorisoidun kääntäjän tutkinnon käännöstehtävien 
Kivilehto, Marja

A Different Kind of Text: Students’ Glossaries in Moodle
Kudashev, Igor

Oikeuskielen kiteytyneet ilmaisut ja kaavamaiset tekstit kieliparissa saksa-suomi
Liimatainen, Annikki & Ruusila, Anna

Kielentarkastaja käännöskielen konventionaalistajana
Pitkänen, Taina

Tulkitse kuva! Eleet ja ilmeet sarjakuvassa
Pitkäsalo, Eliisa

Analysing Translated Allusions: Exploring a Statistical Approach
Ruokonen, Minna



Text and Textuality

VAKKI Symposium XXXVI. Vaasa 11.-12.2.2016

Vaasa 2016

Edited by Pia HIRVONEN, Daniel RELLSTAB & Nestori SIPONKOSKI

Editorial assistant: Christian LAX

ISBN: 978-952-68538-2-6 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-952-68538-3-3 (PDF)

ISSN-L: 2242-6841
ISSN: 2242-6841 (paperback)
ISSN: 2242-685X (PDF)